

Steel wire can be used to repair a screw thread, easy to maintenance

#Wire Thread Inserts, in many cases a screw is used to repair the screw thread slipping, because a lot of used in aluminum or magnesium alloy copper screw will often because of various reasons, the phenomenon of the screw twist slippery, appear this kind of circumstance is likely to lead to mechanical parts can't use, and then affect production.Wire where the slide fastener screw, a screw that formed the internal thread of stainless steel, have the effect of no longer slide fastener.Some manufacturer because the hole will play too big, want to fix this error, this case with steel can also be a screw.This also helps to provide professional stainless steel internal thread.
In thread machining mistakes or of damage to the internal thread repair, use thread case can make the matrix, and can use the original screw, both fast and economic.Simple example, such as engine block, textile special parts, all kinds of aluminum parts, lathe knife later because of a screw hole damaged and destroyed, as long as it to tapping, installation, a screw type or back from the dead.
Automobile engine spark plug hole, because of its high temperature, vibration impact large and often remove the screw hole is easy to wear and tripping caused by premature cylinder cover scrap.And adopts screw sheath, not only improve the ability of the thread by temperature difference, and improve the performance of wear resistance, can prevent wear and tear caused by sliding tooth screw holes, early to scrap the parts.
Some machine parts in the work process, can produce bigger vibration, the connection thread have a great impact, with the possibility of bolt looseness.And screw sheath has good corrosion resistance, can be in a variety of materials and environment to ensure its applicability and use performance.


How to remove the Tangless insert to install the handle

According to the structure required to remove the installation of the tangless insert spiral sets of handle, can choose take break trough steel wire spiral sets.General for the through hole and screw hole processing depth is restricted, screw twist into the screw hole may be beyond the end of the stainless steel screw sheath after handle will need to be removed under the condition of installation, guarantee on the screw steel wire spiral sets.
For blind hole, the screw hole can be processed more deep, selection of broken wire should choose not to bring a screw slot.
Wire tool to handle a screw can be very simple, as long as with a slightly smaller than steel wire of the screw a screw hole diameter mandrel, insert the screw hole, the head on the installation of the handle, hammer knock at the other end, install the handle will be broken from the break tank.
Broken handle installation should begin from the screw hole will be removed.
After installing the handle to remove the wire at the end of a screw thread in a buckle without slot, not deformation, the end can not have burrs.With general end thread plug gauge or screw can pass the wire that at the end of a screw everything is normal


Bolt in the application of industry production of Locking insert keensert

Said Locking insert keensert, maybe everybody is a little strange, because in the production of general machinery industry is rarely useful, because the product price and other reasons, Locking insert keensert in the manufacturing industry of general rarely use, only some special mechanical products or some special screw holes will use Locking insert keensert inside such a special type of fastener products.But, for military or aerospace products, the

Locking insert keensert that is the most commonly used but of a product
The following about Locking insert keensert industry application.Locking insert keensert is a widely used, such as, mold manufacturing, mechanical hardware industry production, electronic product manufacturing industry, construction industry, automotive industry, military industry, aerospace enterprise product manufacture, maritime career, high-speed railway machinery industry and so on, these industries are Locking insert keensert common place.
Bolt application characteristics description: a screw bolt screw sleeve is a kind of special high strength thread fasteners products, for various types of industry manufacture, install the Locking insert keensert in screw holes, can improve the connection between the teeth condition, strengthens between the teeth to bear the function of the impact and fatigue resistance, therefore, in the industry of manufacturing, installation bolt and a screw can not only improve the use life of the screw holes, enhance the quality of the products, also can improve the screw holes of wear-resistant heat-resistant anti-corrosive, loose prevention function.For example, under the condition of some high temperature operation, screw holes of screw tooth is easy to damage, such as the teeth wear sliding tooth and so on, and if installed bolt screw in the screw holes, so the chances of these conditions will to a large extent, reduce, or even to zero.


What are the benefits of a screw used Wire Thread Inserts

1. Prolong the service life: because the wire is stainless Wire Thread Inserts, a screw with high hardness, increase the soft base a thread life tens to hundreds.
2. Increase the connection strength: soft, such as low intensity can be used for aluminum and magnesium alloy materials, timber, easy deformation low strength materials such as plastic, rubber, avoid slippery silk, the phenomenon such as wrong tooth.
3. Increase the bearing surface, can be used to require a strong connection and don't add the screw hole diameter of thin body parts.
4. Improve the connection conditions, increase the bearing capacity of the threaded connection and the fatigue strength: using steel wire can eliminate a screw bolt and screw hole deviation between the pitch and tooth type, make uniform distribution load, so as to improve the bearing capacity of the threaded connection and fatigue resistance.Can be used in ceramic, plastic, glass and other hard brittle fragile material fastening connection.Effectively prevent fracture phenomenon.
5.Rust death: steel wire spiral sets the characteristics of material itself and its surface smooth, used in moisture, corrosion and other bad environment, will not make with the matrix of rust, avoided because of rust threaded holes can't remove and replace the expensive matrix loss.Can be used in chemical industry, aviation, military equipment and other high coefficient of insurance required.
6. wear-resisting, heat resistant, corrosion resistant: as the steel wire high surface finish, a screw can effectively reduce the friction between the internal and external thread of the material itself but also has high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance properties.
7. seismic, prevent loose: lock the special structure of a screw type in strong vibration and shock environment will lock screw in the screw hole, not loose, the lock is better than other locking device.Can be used in the power of instruments and meters, precision equipment, as well as aerospace, aviation, military equipment and other high coefficient of insurance required.


Quality Computer Spring Possess Characteristics

Because the machine has a high-quality performance so in order to create a higher production efficiency, to achieve a human being can not do, and now the production of machines for dependence is relatively strong, the production is inseparable from each wide variety of machines.

Quality universal spring machine has the following advantages:
1. Automatic mechanical automatic lubricating oil designed to ensure the long-running devices;
2, with the accuracy of detection and tracking system installed, if substandard products can automatically shut down;
3, according to the work on the screen, you can always outside diameter products, such as the angle of correction;
4, when the wireless, break, tangled wire rack design and automatic shutdown automatic acceleration, making production easy and effective;
5. The computer-Chinese interface, easy operation, accurate positioning, the computer can control three to eight servo motors, all motors can be synchronized or run separately;
6, for the production of double torsion spring, straight spring, pagoda springs, tension springs, rectangular springs, wire forming, steel skin eddy spring, spring and all kinds of fancy spring, demanding complex shaped spring.